Threshold Ministries exists to bring Everyone no matter what their background into a living relationship with Jesus and his people.

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.”  Ps 95: 6-7

Psalm 95 calls us to worship the Lord our God, the Maker and Creator of all things. He is our Rock and Redeemer, and we are invited to humbly come before him, knowing that we are his children. In Jesus we have been adopted into God’s family, and we are under his loving care, through all the ups and downs of life and ministry. We commit our lives anew to the Lord our Maker and Rock and loving Father each day.

Ongoing Prayer Requests:

Threshold House – Pray for the staff and for the men of Threshold House. For healing and wholeness in Jesus for the men and for those who lead and work there.

Street Hope Peterborough – Pray for Darrin and his team of volunteers. Pray for those he meets in shelters, halfway houses, and tent encampments. Pray for hearts to be prepared as they plan their Christmas outreach.

Saint John & Fredericton FCRP – Pray for Mark and his and his work with men coming out of prison, for the building of relationships and restored lives.

Street Hope Victoria – Pray for Debs and her team as they go out on Tuesday nights on Pandora Avenue that the love of Jesus would go to. Pray for prepared hearts as they plan their Christmas outreach.

Moncton Chaplaincy – Pray for John Paul with Moncton Chaplaincy and his work in restoring hope as men return to community from prison.

Toronto Chaplaincy – Pray for Jonathan and the work at Keele that healing, and restoration would come in Jesus Name.

CoSA New Brunswick – Pray for Eden and Carolyn as they work to set up CoSA NB. Pray for all the people who will be involved, for those supporting and being supported.

Toronto Women’s Chaplaincy – Pray for Kyla as she accompanies women coming out of prison. Pray that the Lord would give her spiritual discernment and the women would see the hope there is in Jesus.

Read Full Prayer Calendar…