Street Hope Peterborough
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Our Projects
Peterborough, ON
Street Hope Peterborough (SHP) was established in 2008 under Threshold Ministries as a front-line evangelistic initiative that offers both spiritual and practical support as a chaplaincy outreach to people coming out of prison and the marginalized living in our community.
Our chaplaincy ministry responds to individuals battling addiction, emotional and mental and self-esteem battles and those facing homelessness, poverty, and many forms of brokenness in their lives. SHP has been engaged in the process of helping people to rebuild their lives by helping people to understand and respond to the love that Jesus has for their life. We are rooted in Christ and sharing hope.
The foundation of SHP is built on building meaningful friendships with hurting people while pointing them to Jesus who can forgive, restore and transform the course and direction of our lives. Luke 19:10 (TPT) expresses the purpose of this ministry: “The Son of Man has come to seek out and to give life to those who are lost.”
Project Director

Project Update

Street Hope Peterborough – Ministry Update
The past six months of ministry have been mixed with opportunities to evangelize and share the love of Jesus with people through various outreaches, and offering personal support as we have worked to provide practical and spiritual care to individuals seeking hope and meaningful purpose for their lives.
Our dear friend of 20+ years, Joe passed away in November and was a man who touched many lives for Jesus. While incarcerated, he started a literacy program with fellow inmates. He then carried this program into the community. Joe always wanted to give back to others who struggled with reading and math, because he knew how vital these skills were to those trying to integrate back into society after incarceration. Joe also led a Bible study in the senior’s residence where he lived, and his greatest desire was to see people give their hearts to Jesus! One man Joe influenced through his faith was Willy. Willy came to faith in Jesus, and found forgiveness for sin and eternal hope in Jesus! After a long battle with kidney disease and being on dialysis for almost 10 years, Joe decided to go to be with Jesus and left his mark in this world for Christ.
Jesus taught His disciples to build meaningful relationships, and Joe used this example to form deep and lasting friendships. Joe would call me to check in and ask for assistance with someone who had a need. It was wonderful to serve Jesus together, and to experience a deep satisfaction, knowing we had made a difference in the lives of others.
One of the great truths that Joe exemplified was to be selfless in my approach to ministry with people. He never cared for others with selfish gain, but always showed genuine kindness and compassion. He knew what it was like to carry pain, and Joe showed me how to become a part of a person’s life and to point them to Jesus as their true hope. I believe Jesus desires us to be unselfish in our approach to others, just like Joe.
“Let every activity of your lives and every word that comes from your lips be drenched with the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. And bring your constant praise to God the Father because of what Christ has done for you! [emphasis added]” Colossians 3:17 (TPT)
This verse truly reflects the person who Jesus wants me to be in my faith, life, and witness for Him. He desires that my lips will always be filled with praise and appreciation for what He is doing in my life and the lives of others we are leading to Jesus!
- Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to direct Street Hope Peterborough in every way.
- Pray we always have the right motives and intentions for the people Street Hope Peterborough serves.
Darrin Gaudreau
Project Leader, Street Hope Peterborough
Peterborough, ON